News from EBID Manager, Gary Esslinger

Gary Esslinger

News from El Jefe:

The summer is well under way and our irrigation season is past gone and done with for 2021! What a remarkable feat of accomplishment that everyone displayed in one month’s time. We ran fast and furious and let me just say to all; a job well done from every department! They withstood the pressure, stress, and commitment they faced pushing and tracking the water as we delivered our 4” allotment to all who placed an order within the 30-day timeframe. Usually there is much apprehension, anxiety, and frustration in a short season, but when the Board of Directors don’t get a rash of complaints that I hear about, then I call it a success!

Once again, thank you for your loyalty, your dedication, and your outstanding performance in this pressing time during this decadal drought we face, while enduring a pandemic that continues to raise its ugly head. I will remind all of you that “it isn’t over just yet” and there are still more storms brewing on the horizon, but I believe we will stay afloat in the boat together and weather the storms we face. Our Board of Directors captain our boat and I believe and trust they will keep us on course.

We have faced many “water wars” in the past, certainly it shows we have fared well and usually rise to the occasion in each battle we face. The Board direction, our experts, and our legal strategies are highly tuned and dialed into the overall operational success of this District. Every employee, middle manager, and staff member plays a key role. It is obvious from those who know what we have accomplished over the years that they see us as a force to contend with.

It is important that we build our past and current success, which includes a greater visibility in our communities and with our farmer membership. Keep alert, beware of those who look at us from the outside looking inward, be respectful, and mindful of those we meet on the ditch bank or in the office, and be proud of who you are representing, the Elephant Butte Irrigation District.

Together let’s continue our great work!

God Bless,
