Contact EBID

Fill out the form below to contact EBID.
We welcome your questions or comments about our organization.
Please allow a few business days for our response. Thank you.

Important Phone Numbers

Main Office hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM
(575) 526-6671

Water orders

(575) 524-8003

Irrigation orders can be placed by calling Water Orders Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Email Water Orders

Water records

(575) 526-6671 Option #6
(575) 993-2709
(575) 993-2712
(575) 993-2722
(575) 526-8391 (fax)

Email Water Records

executive secretary

(575) 526-6671 Option #1
(575) 993-2429
(575) 523-9666 (fax)

Email Executive

finance director

(575) 526-6671 Option #2
(575) 993-2464

Email Finance

tax office

Tax Assessment Payments

(575) 526-6671 Option #0
(575) 993-2696
(575) 993-2475
(575) 526-1740 (fax)

Email Tax Office


(575) 526-6671 Option #5
(575) 993-2701
(575) 993-2706

Email Purchasing


(575) 526-6671 Option #4

Email Engineering


(575) 993-8749

Email Maintenance

Human Resources
& safety

(575) 993-2490 (Office)
(575) 639-4379 (Cell)

Email Human Resources


(575) 639-4389

Email SCADA Systems

irrigation systems

(575) 639-4381

Email Irrigation Systems

north units

1A (575) 650-5032
1B (575) 650-5033

operations central units

2A (575) 639-4362
2B (575) 639-4363
3A (575) 639-4364
3B (575) 639-4365

South eastside

4A (575) 639-4366
4B (575) 639-4367

south westside

5A (575) 639-4368
5B (575) 639-4369
6A (575) 639-4371