EBID Maintenance Season Projects 2023 - 2024

Elephant Butte Irrigation District has approved the following projects for the new budget year, beginning November 1st, 2023. All projects focus on upgrades to existing infrastructure, improvement of water delivery efficiency, and improvement of RTU water delivery monitoring.

EBID Grant Projects

drought resiliency watersmart grant
bureau of reclamation
Stormwater Monitoring & Capture

EBID has been awarded a Bureau of Reclamation WaterSmart grant which responds to drought in this region through implementing key priority projects that develop and modernize its infrastructure to facilitate watershed-scale flow management, stormwater capture, and aquifer recharge. Accurate storm monitoring is dependent on an extensive network of weather stations and rain gauges strategically placed in key watershed regions. The primary focus of our proposal is the expansion and improvement of our storm monitoring network comprised of five priority projects including:

  • Construction of a metering cable just south of Hayner Bridge has been completed. This new site will monitor flow, specifically incoming north stormwater inflows, and provide early alarming for EBID in order to divert stormwater to aid in aquifer replenishment.
  • Upgrades to the Placitas, Rincon, and Picacho Arroyos will improve water level monitoring and data collection by utilizing radar technology sensors that are installed above the arroyo flows. All three sites have been upgraded with new pedestal enclosures and new sensor boom arms/sensors built and installed by late May 2024.
  • Sixteen additional rain gauge monitoring sites have been installed in the areas of Highway 27, between Hillsboro and Nutt,NM, the Rincon watershed, and the Picacho watershed. All sites have been collecting data since late 2022.
  • EBID has installed automation on the California Lateral Extension / Wasteway 13 turnout gate. This site was constructed in 2022 as part of a project that will incorporate two river pumps that will increase surface water delivery efficiency. Rio Grande water will back up into the concrete box structure, which will allow EBID to divert flow into the Alamo Drain when stormwater is present.
total grant award: $419,397
Estimated Completion Date: 12/6/2024
delivering conservation Watersmart grant
bureau of reclamation

This project is comprised of two components that entail modifying existing canal systems. The first component of the project, modernizing the California Lateral and Extension, involves piping the California Lateral from Wasteway 13 to 7,580 feet upstream and piping the California Extension from the heading to 5,960 feet downstream. Modernizing the California Lateral and Extension also includes installing three lift pumps at Wasteway 13 that will pump from the Rio Grande through plastic irrigation piping to be discharged farther upstream back into the California Lateral and into an adjoining farmer’s ditch. This component will mitigate the classical problem of tail-end deliveries by creating a new delivery point to make direct diversion-to-delivery to the current tail-ender farmers.

The second component of this project, Revitalizing the Three Saints Main Canal at Wasteway 19, involves installing three lift pumps at Wasteway 19 that will pump from the Rio Grande through plastic irrigation pipe to be discharged back into the Three Saints Main Canal and into an adjoining farmer’s existing piped irrigation system. The piping of the California Lateral and California Extension will reduce seepage, improve delivery to constituent farmers, allow bidirectional flow in laterals, and improve on-farm efficiencies. The pumping systems for both components of this project will reduce the conveyance transportation time and conveyance losses required for delivery to these important parts of the Mesilla Valley leaving the water in the Rio Grande rather than through long reaches of unlined earthen canals. These water conservation measures are crucial during these times of ongoing drought in this region of New Mexico and ongoing climate change worldwide.

  • Phase I - California Lateral Pipeline
  • Phase 2 - California Lateral & California Extension Pipeline
  • Phase 3 -  Three Saints Main Canal & Wasteway 19
total grant award: $3,889,837
Estimated Completion date: 3/28/2025
small-scale water efficiency grant
bureau of reclamation
Leasburg Canal Automation

EBID has been awarded a Bureau of Reclamation Small-Scale Water Efficiency grant aimed at improving water delivery efficiency at the Leasburg Canal delivery point. As part of this project, EBID will reshape approximately 1.2 miles of canal between the Arguelles Check structure and Lucero Check structure. Additionally, both Arguelles radial gates will be automated to maintain a constant upstream water level, a 30 foot concrete lining will be installed approximately 750 feet downstream of the Arguelles Check, which will support a new metering bridge, stilling well, and acoustic doppler velocity meter to improve monitoring and delivery efficiency.

  • EBID is currently working with El Paso Electric to install power to the site. Permitting has just been completed, with a new power pole expected in place February 2025.
  • EBID is currently working with the electrical contractor and electric gate motor supplier to install control boxes and gate motors prior to the 2025 irrigation season.
  • Canal reshaping and concrete lining will begin in September 2024 with an anticipated completion date of January 2025.
total grant award: $217,929
Estimated completion date: 6/30/2025

North Area Projects

palmer lateral box

A new distribution box was constructed on the Palmer Lateral featuring one turnout and allowing for a farm irrigation well to pump into the lateral. The box was completed during the winter of 2023-2024.

Silva lateral heading

The heading turnout gate and headwall were replaced on the Silva Lateral. The new structure consists of small concrete box and new turnout frame. The heading was completed during the winter of 2023-2024.

a check

A new check structure was constructed for the Rincon Main A Check site.  

garfield main radial gate

The Salem Check radial gate on the Garfield Main Canal has been replaced. The new radial gate was built by EBID's Fabrication Shop and installed during the 2024 maintenance season.

Central Area Projects

las cruces lateral /
tortugas arroyo pipe

Due to a pipe failure, the Las Cruces Lateral / Tortugas Arroyo 48 inch pipe was replaced during the 2024 maintenance season.

armijo lateral pipe project

The Engineering Department is working with the City of Las Cruces, overseeing the piping project of the Armijo Lateral.

A-Mountain Construction is the awarded contractor doing the work, while this project is funded and owned by the City of Las Cruces.

South Area Projects

eastside radial gate

A new radial gate for the East Side Canal has been fabricated by our Fabrication Shop as per Engineering design.  The Eastside Gate will be installed prior to the start of the 2024 irrigation season.

westside / la mesa spur drain

The Westside / La Mesa Spur Drain crossing was replaced during the 2024 maintenance season. The original culvert crossing failed, causing a ditch break.

franco culvert crossing

EBID installed a new Franco culvert crossing in unit 4B.

la union metering bridge

The La Union West metering bridge, just below the heading, was modified to include a 24-inch stilling well and protective box enclosure for a Type-F paper chart. The site also included a small expanded metal walkway to access the chart stilling well.

mitchell lateral culvert

The Mitchell Lateral had the culvert replaced during the 2024 maintenance season.

deruyter farms
ditch flume crossing

EBID has installed a new ditch flume crossing for DeRuyter Farms, extending the turnout ditch across the drain. The 24-inch corrugated pipe was installed during maintenance season 2024.